
To order please check one or more blue captions to make your selection of POS Categories and/or Brands.
POS Category/Brand Addresses Contact info Opening hours Geo info Price
Apparel Stores (82) 38,125 37,769 25,432 38,123 $9,900
Auto (14) 27,336 26,703 23,895 27,334 $2,900
Bank (14) 6,158 6,135 4,837 6,157 $1,750
Category Killers (75) 47,498 43,752 34,767 47,489 $8,900
Convenience Stores (14) 12,974 12,944 1,813 12,974 $1,900
Department Stores (20) 8,548 8,302 7,024 8,547 $2,500
Discount and Club Stores and Supercenters (17) 7,898 7,852 7,301 7,897 $1,900
Do-it-Yourself Stores (9) 6,401 6,385 5,938 6,401 $1,250
Drug Stores (5) 4,027 4,000 1,306 4,027 $500
Electronics (1) 388 388 388 388 $100
Entertainment (11) 6,595 6,576 4,367 6,595 $1,250
Fast Food (186) 155,898 153,016 101,326 155,887 $19,900
Finance (13) 7,208 7,193 6,042 7,207 $1,750
General Merchandise and Dollar Stores (8) 24,284 24,262 23,446 24,284 $1,750
Grocery Stores (29) 8,781 7,449 7,287 8,779 $2,750
Hardware Store (4) 1,035 1,034 1,026 1,035 $350
HBC or Cosmetic Stores (5) 5,539 5,494 3,504 5,538 $900
Hotel (15) 3,422 3,387 669 3,422 $1,250
Jewelery (15) 2,292 2,289 1,112 2,292 $900
Non Profit (2) 756 737 0 755 $250
Parking (5) 1,640 1,205 461 1,639 $500
Sport (27) 7,910 7,560 3,654 7,909 $2,500