Snowcap produces consumable data products. Web crawling is basically a commodity and a small step in the data production process. Creating structure and context from the data is difficult and requires years of experience before it’s cost effective.
There is no better option for search than Google. But Google is built on premise that their Google-bot visits web page URL’s and index all of the words it sees and their location on each page. Google does not extract any of the data or structure it for a user who might want a list of Starbuck locations in the USA.
Snowcap extracts data primarily from Internet sources. Sometimes to complete a solution, Snowcap will license or purchase data from third parties or government agencies.
This is Snowcap’s core value and the value of having developed sophisticated parsing technology which can quickly organize large unstructured data sets of names, numbers (phone, prices), email, addresses, social media handles, images and documents into indexed files for retrieval.
Snowcap can structure their service on a SaaS or as an actual deliverable in most popular formats .xls, .csvjson, html, xml or as a file via ftp.
Yes, Snowcap will issue our standard support agreement with each solution delivered. While Snowcap does not guarantee the availability of all data from the Internet, we do ensure that our data products will meet a threshold of accuracy and score as such.
Product lifecycles vary on a case-by-case basis. However, an average product from initial collaboration to QA and deployment is usually (2) months.
Snowcap was formed in 2012 to address demand from the US data market. Our founders have been building data products and solutions since in 2002 for the European markets.
Yes. While Snowcap is focused on the United States, our technology is geographically agnostic. That being said, our data products are tied to the web-based sources which will vary on a country by country basis.