
Point of Sale (POS) Locations Database


The leading US POS business location file is available on a real-time basis covering a broad range of business categories.

Industry: Marketing, Commercial Real Estate, GeoData providers, & Consumer Electronics

Use Cases:

  • Marketing companies looking to reach a broad or narrow range of US based point-of-sales customers.
  • GeoData providers looking to enhance their geomarketing services by supplementing point of interest data with reliable POS location data.
  • GeoData providers offering geoanalysis services in order to analyze potential location for branch extensions, production facilities or sales territories.
  • Consumer electronic manufacturers of personal navigation devices or mobile phones featuring built in mapping applications looking to add or update POS locations within their to products.
  • Commercial real estate brokers looking for location intelligence to plan their client’s next commercial site.

File: The POS file provides business name, location, contact information, and operating hours for the largest point-of-sales businesses in the United States. The file is built upon Snowcap technology and originates from over 670 disparate US based Internet sources. The file is currently maintained on a monthly basis and approximately 30 new sources are added on a quarterly basis. POS data is valuable for many reasons and to multiple parties and businesses.  Most importantly, the database continues to grow as Snowcap adds new businesses and removes closed businesses on a monthly basis and of course the file available for customization.

Technology:  Snowcap uses automation technology to build, maintain and improve its data products. Call centres are replaced by sophisticated extraction, parsing, and matching technology and what once was an arduous process of thousands of hours of manual aggregation is now built with cost-effective scalable software.   Snowcap has built and maintains several data products and has over (10) years’ experience specifically in Internet data extraction and the production of consumerable data. Our technology not only enables highly cost-effective data files like our POS file to be created but cost associated with maintenance and accuracy decline significantly as we closely monitor the sources used to build the files. Monitoring systems are in place to notify Snowcap of changes to source data.

Our Product Highlight:  ‘POS Location File’

The POS location file is built for on-demand access to published point-of-sale information from the Internet across multiple store-locators and updated and maintained on a real-time basis. Features:

  • Business name
  • Business addresses
  • Business contact information including phone number and email (if available)
  • Business operating hours
  • Business social media links
  • And many more


  • Real-time updated POS information
  • Cost-effective maintenance
  • Accurate data from the source
  • Flexible technology to add new sources and records
  • Automatic updates of closed and new POS businesses

Check out our order form to see counting and category details.

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